Most Holy Trinity
You can watch MHT's
Sunday 8 am Mass
any time, anywhere
"Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from
ONE LICENSE, License #M-401920.
All rights reserved.”
"For is is in giving that we receive."
Many parishioners have asked how they can support the Church financially during this time as many of our expenses are fixed. We provide the following options:
Mail in your contribution: 236 Route 390, Cresco PA 18326
Drop off your contribution at the Parish Office during business house (please note that operating hours will be modified during this time)
Due to the governor's order to Shelter-In-Place for Monroe County, we are asking that you mail in your contribution or use online banking options.
Internet Banking: Many banks allow you to make one-time or multiple payments online. Use your bank’s web site and follow their instructions.
Donate online! Follow the link below.
Thank you again for your on-going support especially during these difficult times.