Most Holy Trinity
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Congratulations on the birth of your child! Our Parish Community shares in your joy. The Baptism of a child is a very special occasion in the life of a family. It is also a very special occasion in the life of the Church. Just as we welcome a child into our families, so too the Church welcomes children into the family of God. Baptism is the Church’s sacrament of welcome and the gateway to all the other sacraments.
Baptism is the sacrament which initiates a person into the Christian Community, making them children of God and members of the local parish. In it we celebrate God’s love for us and are affirmed as followers of Christ.
The central role in passing on faith belongs to parents/guardians. It is they who will be the role models of faith for their children. It is in the home that children need to learn and experience trust, love, faith, hope and commitment in order for their faith to grow.
The decision to baptise a child carries with it responsibilities that will last long after the celebration is over. Therefore a key question for parents is “Why do I want my child baptised?” Baptism is a sacrament, a graced moment in which we meet God, and the decision to celebrate the sacrament deserves careful consideration.
Requirements for Baptism
Parents(s)/Legal Guardian(s) must attend a Pre-Jordan Baptism Preparation Class
Prior to a date being set for the baptism the following is required:
Copy (photocopy) of the child's birth certificate
Letter of Eligibility or Sponsor Card for Godparents
Proof of Confirmation for Godparents